A Sunday Reflection for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
By Bro. Ron Calderon

“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (Jn 3:16)
This pericope in the Gospel of John captures an excellent understanding of the Trinity. To help us to be illuminated with this claim, let us read the words of Bp. Robert Barron in his popular commentary on the Trinity.
“We Christians understand that God is Love.... Love is not just something that God does, it is who God is. And the claim that God is Love is the ground of the Trinity.”
The bishop of Los Angeles, California actually based his understanding from English writer and theologian G.K. Chesterton who wrote that, “The basis of the Holy Trinity is relationship and at the heart of this relationship is love.”
The Trinity is really God’s divine dance of Love in the history of the world and of the universe so that we his creatures become sharers of the Trinity’s eternal banquet in heaven. As we celebrate mass, we do not simply commemorate the Love of God but we participate in the Divine Trinitarian presence in the sacrament.
As we live our daily lives, we continue to celebrate and participate in the Divine Trinitarian dance of Love as we live and love, which in our own way our response in order to obey God the Father’s law of Love, to live out the Good News who is Jesus and to always acknowledge the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The theology of the Trinity could be a intellectually cumbersome endeavor. This doesn’t mean that we Christians should abandon the belief in the Trinity. We can leave the Trinitarian theology to theologians and scholars of the Church. What is asked of us is not to get tired or give up on love. If we tirelessly grow in faith in God, our Father in heaven, continue to follow the footsteps of our Savior and King, Jesus Christ, and always attentively living in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we understand the Trinity in our heart. Moreover, if we grow in our relationship with God and our fellow human beings, if we respect the earth and all of God’s created beings, and we even have a good, healthy and conscious relationship with ourselves, then we can truly say that we are growing the the community and communion of love in the Trinity.
God our Father, we ask you to help us to live consistently in the community of the Holy Trinity. May we always live in your Love. Amen.