A Reflection on the gospel
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
When first read the gospel for today, I did not see clearly what to write about. Then I decided to look at the themes of the previous Sundays after Corpus Christi and saw something I did not see before.
11th Sunday - Mk 4:26-34 - The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.
12th Sunday - Mk 4: 35-41 - Jesus quiets the storm at sea
13th Sunday - Mk 6:21-43 - Jesus heals bleeding woman and raises dead girl
14th Sunday - Mk 6:1-6 - Jesus is dishonored in his native town
Today on the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we have Mk 6:7-13, Jesus sends his disciples to be missionaries of the Kingdom of God. As I look at the most recent five Sundays I see how Jesus in the gospel of Mark is really teaching his disciples in all these readings.
First, the master taught them of the Kingdom of God started by the seed of the very person of Jesus Christ himself. He taught them the beauty and the hope in the Kingdom of God for all who would believe in the way of life in the Messiah. Second, Jesus showed the disciples that he is capable of protecting them even in the harshest of weather. He demonstrated to his students that he is master even of nature and he is powerful enough to protect all them. Third, Jesus showed that he is a healer and a life-giver. He has the power to heal the sick and give life to the lifeless. He is the source of health and life to all who would have faith in him. And finally on this Sunday, Jesus taught his disciples that they are capable of all that he can do because of their faith and close attention to him, the Lord of all. He even showed trust to his disciples that they can become his missionaries of healing and life in order to spread the Good News - that is no other than the invitation to have faith in Jesus Christ who is the Lord of truth and life.
The gospel of Mark, as a living Word of God, speaks to readers as an invitation to believe and become disciples of the Lord of truth and life, Jesus Christ. So the gospel today is actually speaking to us that believing in Jesus empowers us, makes us life-giving healers of ourselves and others. Moreover, as disciples of the Lord of life, Jesus wants us to give life to as many people as possible by becoming missionaries of his Good News. Yes, he trusts you to be powerful and capable of being his agent to tell the world the truth of the gospel of the Christ.
Are we afraid of being missionaries of the person who loves us so much that he gave his very life to free us of our sins? I believe that everyone touched by the love of Christ, will have the courage to accept his invitation to be missionaries of the Word made flesh. Being a missionary does not have to be on a grand scale. It does not mean to become a priest or a religious and build a church. It could mean being role models of Christian life to our family and friends. To show that Christians have life and hope even in times of seemingly hopeless crises like now in this pandemic. It could mean being a loving person to those who are ignored, or being a light of hope to those who are depressed. Small things done in the ordinary day-to-day life demonstrating our faith and love for Jesus our Lord is enough missionary work for the Kingdom. If we have forgotten to be a Christian to people around us, let us start today so that Jesus could become more and more visible in the eyes of those who see our mission. Who knows, one person could be inspired by us today and decide to follow Jesus more closely. In this way, we become true friends of Christ, true workers of the Kingdom of God.